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The best wave ever

The early morning sun painted the sky in hues of pink and orange as Fitz waxed down his surfboard. He stood on the sandy shore, his eyes fixed on the horizon where the waves curled and beckoned. Fitz was a teenage surfer with a passion for the ocean that bordered on obsession. His friends knew him as the guy who believed every wave was the best wave of his life.

Fitz’s friends, a tight-knit group of surf enthusiasts, gathered around him, watching as he prepared to hit the waves. Jake, the easygoing joker of the group, couldn’t resist poking fun at Fitz’s perpetual enthusiasm. “Hey Fitz, is today the day you catch the actual best wave of your life?”

Fitz grinned, unperturbed by the teasing. “You guys just wait and watch. Today’s the day, I can feel it in my bones.”

With his board under his arm, Fitz paddled out into the lineup, the cool water refreshing against his skin. The morning swell was promising, and he could sense the energy in the air. As he bobbed on his board, scanning the horizon for the perfect wave, his friends watched from the shore, exchanging amused glances.

It didn’t take long for Fitz to spot a promising set approaching. With a burst of excitement, he paddled into position, feeling the rush of adrenaline building. The wave swelled beneath him, and Fitz expertly hopped to his feet, riding the face of the wave with grace and confidence.

For a moment, it seemed as though time stood still. Fitz carved elegant lines across the water, his maneuvers fluid and controlled. The wave seemed to dance with him, rising and falling in perfect harmony. From the shore, his friends watched in awe as Fitz weaved through the breakers.

As Fitz rode the wave to its natural conclusion, he paddled back toward his friends with an ear-to-ear grin. “Did you guys see that? I told you! That was definitely the best wave of my life!”

His friends burst into laughter, and Jake playfully nudged him. “Fitz, you say that about every wave. Are you sure this one was the best?”

Fitz shrugged, still basking in the afterglow of his ride. “Well, maybe not the absolute best, but it was pretty darn close. Every wave is a new adventure, and you never know when the next one will truly be the best.”

The sun climbed higher in the sky as the group of friends continued to surf and share laughs, knowing that, for Fitz, every wave held the potential for greatness. And while they teased him for his boundless enthusiasm, they secretly admired his ability to find joy in the simple act of riding the waves, each one a unique experience in the vast canvas of the ocean.