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fitz skips school

It was a sunny Friday morning in the coastal town of Pacific Shores, where the waves crashed against the golden sands and the salty breeze filled the air. Among the locals, Clifford J. Fitswell, affectionately known as Fitz, was a legendary teenage surfer with a passion for riding the perfect wave.

Fitz was your typical high school student, but his heart belonged to the ocean. He had a reputation for skipping classes to catch the morning swell, and today was no exception. The waves had been building up, creating a surfer’s paradise that Fitz couldn’t resist.

With his surfboard tucked under his arm and a carefree grin on his face, Fitz slipped away from the school premises and headed straight for his favorite surf spot. Unbeknownst to him, his friend Jenny had spotted him sneaking away and decided to join in on the adventure.

As Fitz paddled out into the azure waters, the waves embraced him like an old friend. He effortlessly rode the crests, carving through the liquid playground with grace and skill. The sun beat down on him, and the worries of school were washed away with each wave he conquered.

Meanwhile, back at Pacific Shores High School, the principal, Mr. Thompson, received a tip from a concerned student about Fitz’s unauthorized escape. Mr. Thompson, known for his strict demeanor, decided to investigate. He hopped into his car and drove down to the beach, determined to catch the elusive surfer.

Back on the waves, Fitz was blissfully unaware of the trouble brewing. Jenny, however, spotted Mr. Thompson approaching in the distance. She paddled over to Fitz and urgently whispered, “Fitz, dude, the principal is on his way! We gotta bail!”

Caught off guard, Fitz glanced back and saw Mr. Thompson closing in. Panic set in as he realized the consequences of his impromptu surfing session. With a quick exchange of glances, Fitz and Jenny paddled for the shore, racing against the approaching authority figure.

As they reached the sand, Fitz’s heart pounded in his chest. Mr. Thompson, stern-faced and unamused, stood waiting for them. “Clifford Fitswell,” he boomed, “do you care to explain why you’re not in class right now?”

Caught red-handed, Fitz scratched his head and sheepishly replied, “Well, you see, the waves were just too good to pass up, Mr. Thompson.”

The principal shook his head in disapproval but couldn’t help but crack a small smile. “Well, Fitz, you might be in hot water, but I can’t deny the call of the ocean. Let’s talk about this back at school, shall we?”

And so, with surfboards in tow, Fitz and Jenny reluctantly followed Mr. Thompson back to Pacific Shores High School, the salty scent of the sea lingering in the air. Fitz learned a valuable lesson that day: even the most dedicated surfer couldn’t escape the long arm of the school system.

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