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Fitz Hitchhikes to Hatteras

In the summer of 1987, when neon colors and big hair ruled the scene, a lanky teenager named Clifford J. Fitswell, known to his friends as Fitz, was on a quest for the ultimate wave. Fitz, with his shaggy blonde hair and a perpetually sun-kissed tan, was a true surfer at heart, and the word “hurricane” sparked excitement in his ocean-loving soul.

Living in Virginia Beach, Fitz had heard rumors of a massive hurricane churning its way up the Atlantic. The waves were rumored to be legendary, and Fitz couldn’t resist the call of the surf. With a worn-out surfboard under his arm and a backpack filled with snacks and a change of clothes, Fitz set out on the adventure of a lifetime.

Hitchhiking was the norm for Fitz, and he managed to catch a ride with a fellow surfer in a beat-up van heading south. As the two surf enthusiasts exchanged stories of epic waves and unforgettable rides, Fitz’s anticipation grew.

Arriving at Cape Hatteras, Fitz was greeted by ominous skies and a powerful swell. The salty air was thick with excitement and the promise of an unforgettable surfing experience. The small coastal town was buzzing with activity as surfers from all over gathered in anticipation of the hurricane waves.

Fitz set up camp on the beach, surrounded by a makeshift community of surfers sharing stories and swapping tips on riding the impending monster waves. As the first raindrops fell, Fitz waxed his board and tightened his leash, ready for whatever the ocean had in store.

The next morning, Fitz awoke to the sound of crashing waves and howling winds. The hurricane had arrived, and the ocean was alive with energy. Fitz paddled out, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement. The waves were colossal, towering over him like liquid mountains, and the sheer power of nature was both humbling and exhilarating.

For hours, Fitz rode wave after wave, carving through the water with skill and grace. The stormy conditions added an extra layer of challenge, but Fitz reveled in the thrill of conquering the mighty hurricane waves. Other surfers watched in awe as he fearlessly navigated the powerful surf, earning the respect of his fellow wave warriors.

As the day wore on, Fitz’s energy began to wane, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave the water. Exhausted and satisfied, he finally caught one last epic ride before making his way back to the shore.

The adventure had been everything Fitz had hoped for and more. With a tired but satisfied smile, he packed up his gear, knowing that he had experienced something truly extraordinary. Hitchhiking back home, Fitz couldn’t stop replaying the exhilarating moments in his mind. The legend of Clifford J. Fitswell and the hurricane waves of ’87 would be told around beach bonfires for years to come, inspiring a new generation of surfers to chase their own dreams on the open sea.

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